Tuesday, July 12, 2005

The Croup, Part II

I had just fallen asleep about 11:00 tonight, when I was awoken by a seal-like barking sound coming from the kids room. I then heard Georgie start to cry. I knew right away, from my experience last year with Abby and the very distinctive cough, that it was croup. When I opened the door to his room, I saw that Georgie was sitting up in bed, but not fully awake. I tried to keep the room dark, and stay quiet myself, in hopes that he would easily fall back to sleep. I sat on the side of his bed and he crawled across to me, resting his head in my lap. We sat like this for a few minutes and I sang to him. And as I stroked his face and ran my fingers through his hair, I savored this quiet moment, when he wanted nothing but to be in my arms. I cherish the dewy-eyed moments with my children when they regress just for a moment, long enough for me to cradle them and reconnect to the days when they were dawning infants. Eventually, he looked up at me and let out a contented sigh, crawled back to his pillow and closed his eyes. I waited until I was sure he was asleep, walked very quietly back to my own room, to my own bed, where I now sit knowing I will hardly sleep tonight, worrying and listening for my little boy.

Sunday, July 10, 2005

The "Party"

Today was Georgie's birthday "party." Funds are limited this year, not to mention my built-in disorganizational skills, so instead of having a big hullabaloo with all our family and friends, I called Lisa and asked if she would bring the boys over for a more inelaborate celebration. Today was more about satisfying Abby's appetite to celebrate Georgie's birthday, not because I thought a two year old would even notice that we didn't have a big-to-do. Abby has been questioning me for weeks, "When is Georgie's party? He has to have a party!"

It turned out to be a great day for swimming in the pool, eating hot dogs and cupcakes, and just going nuts. The grown-ups had their own agenda as well. We tried to kick back unwind as much as the two argumentative 4-year-olds, two sprightly 2-year-olds, and the cute little 7-week old freeloader would allow.

related topic: georgie's birthday

Saturday, July 09, 2005

the return of the migraine

Well, I was too cocky, too confident that my migraines were a thing of the painful past, but they made an unwelcomed return last night. Possibly, there is an explanation: It started when dainty little Norah pooped so much that it escaped from her diaper. It made it's way up her back, and somehow all the way into her hair?! While cleaning disaster number one, little did I know, my remaining two children were downstairs creating a second disaster. Seventeen juice boxes were opened and squeezeed all over our very expensive area rug downstairs. Calculated correctly, that comes to over 120 ounces of various juice flavors clinging tightly to those little strands of wool. I spent over two hours trying to soak up the mess myself, but to no avail... the cleaners are on their way, and will be charging me quite a fee to "attempt" to remove the stains. One-hundred-and-eleven dollars. Should I repeat that? One-hundred-and-eleven dollars!! That's more than one-dollar per ounce to have the juice cleaned out of the carpet. If the cleaners' attempt fails to get out the stain, I can only hope their attempt to charge my credit card fails as well.

Anyway, last night, after the adrenaline from the joy of having children wore off, I wound up with the worst migraine I have had since before two-year-old Georgie was born. Thank God Norah is sleeping through the night, or she would have been introduced to her very first bottle of Similac. I can't imagine why last night was chosen for the grand reminder of what it's like to have an Acme anvil come down and crack apart my tired skull, but I can only hope, and I do pray, that any future visits (if there must be any) from the Mighty Migraine are few and very far between!

Thursday, July 07, 2005


Having a third baby has not changed life as drastically as I thought! I'm sure it has a lot to do with just how good Norah is, as far as babies go. She is still sleeping thru the night. (Which I am terrified will become jinxed, and she will once again behave like any other seven week old, and wake every two hours all night long!!) She is fairly quiet during the day unless she is hungry or her diaper needs to be changed. Her one downfall, like all babies, she likes alot of attention. It can be a little stressful at times, but never fear- I have two very anxious children who are just waiting to play with her and hold her all day! Abby and Georgie both love her to bits, and I don't blame them. She is a cutie!!

It's time, once again, to feed three hungry bellies!


Monday, July 04, 2005

Happy Fourth of July! Hooray!! I love fireworks!!