Thursday, June 30, 2005

baby face...

Baby face...
You've got the cutest little baby face
There ain't nobody can evah take your place
Ah, you baby face
My poor heart's jumpin'
Ahh... you started somethin'.

Baby face...
Well, I'm in heaven when I'm in your...
Your fond embrace
Yeah... I didn't need no shove
Cuz I just fell... I fell in love

With your pretty, pretty baby face.

The (third) love of my life...


She's so smiley!!

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

my baby boy is two

Happy birthday my baby boy. You're two years old today. I kissed your sweet face tonight while you slept and thought back on these past two years. Seeing everything through your eyes has changed my world forever. How could I have ever known that one day "messy" and "loud" would be the two best words to describe my most treasured moments? How could I have imagined that the birth of my son would open my heart and mind, and fill me with such simple joys? I thank God every day for the silly hopeful grin that never seems to leave your face, and for the endless supply of hugs that bring me so much comfort when I am down-hearted and weary. And for your eyes. How could I forget those beautiful eyes that will eternally tug at my heartstrings. No matter how bad the tantrum, or however big the mess, a simple bat of those long black lashes, and the slate is wiped clean. Tonight you are nestled beside me, and as I listen to your every breath, I think about how you're changing, how you're growing up so fast, and for that, I never want to leave this moment.

Friday, June 17, 2005

3 Pounds?? What?!?!

It was Norah's one month check-up today. I asked her doc if it was ok that she's been sleeping through the night (and I mean a solid eight hours). He asked how much she weighed the day she went home from the hospital. I told him just over six pounds. He said, "Let's weigh her and see how well she's gained."

The scale put her at nine pounds!! She gained three pounds in a month??? I have come to the very obvious conclusion that my breasts are definitely not producing skim, or any other low-fat variety of milk for this baby. He told me, not only could she sleep through the night if she wanted to, but she could sleep straight through the next two days, and she would be fine. She's halfway to doubling her birth-weight already! "Weigh" to go Norah!!

Thursday, June 09, 2005

All night already?

She slept through the night. Is that ok?? She seems so tiny and so young to be sleeping 8 hours already... not that I'm complaining a bit!