Friday, June 17, 2005

3 Pounds?? What?!?!

It was Norah's one month check-up today. I asked her doc if it was ok that she's been sleeping through the night (and I mean a solid eight hours). He asked how much she weighed the day she went home from the hospital. I told him just over six pounds. He said, "Let's weigh her and see how well she's gained."

The scale put her at nine pounds!! She gained three pounds in a month??? I have come to the very obvious conclusion that my breasts are definitely not producing skim, or any other low-fat variety of milk for this baby. He told me, not only could she sleep through the night if she wanted to, but she could sleep straight through the next two days, and she would be fine. She's halfway to doubling her birth-weight already! "Weigh" to go Norah!!

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